Israel cannot afford to be distracted by more internal power struggles and pointless ideological crusades
By Yaakov Katz
By Yair Zivan
The alternative to extremism cannot come from another brand of extremism
The government's choice of one of its biggest opponents has surprised observers and has met with mixed reactions from government members
By David Isaac
Netanyahu's Likud party said the decision of the court was ‘unfortunate’
By Richard Percival
The coalition would almost certainly spell an end to the premier’s controversial judicial reform plans
By Katie Grant
Sir Ephraim Mirvis echoes warning that clash over judicial reform could lead to civil war
By David Rose
Some of the highest ranking members of Israel's Air Force are refusing to fly, one pilot explains why
By Josh Kaplan
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By Anshel Pfeffer
AI and antisemitism were expected to dominate coverage of the summit but two seemingly chance remarks by both men caught the most attention
Jake Wallis Simons' argument that Israelophobia should be added to the lexicon should be listened to
By Daniel Finkelstein
By The JC Leader
The JC Leader, 15 September 2023
The Israeli diaspora minister speaks out after UK protests
By Felix Pope
By Richard Pater
Where this goes from here is far from clear - and it is still possible President Isaac Herzog’s compromise track will yield fruit
The start of the hearings on the petitions against the coalition’s abolition of the reasonableness standard made for compelling viewing and had Israelis glued to their screens
By Keith Black
This should not be a matter of left versus right, this is a matter of common sense
Sunday's Defend Israeli Democracy UK demonstration in Trafalgar Square drew up to 1,500 British and Israeli Jews
By Daniel Ben-David
The Board, UJS and the JLC all held discussions with Amichai Chikli this week